My immersion into the world of JavaScript began during a time of great flux for
databases. The emergence of document-based, key-value, and graph databases
(among a variety of others), all providing specializations based
Unifier is dedicated to connecting public libraries closer to the lives of their
Article originally posted on Unifier Blog
Hi, I'm Timothy Tavarez – I'
Synopsis: We discuss the process of starting, learning from and balancing a new
software (open source) project.
There is an inherent difficulty in starting and maintaining some ambitious
software projects; wearing infinite
Synopsis: We seek to understand the Map object in JavaScript.
The Map object is an object designed to function as the common map data
structure found in other languages. A Map is
Synopsis: We seek to understand the Set object in JavaScript.
The Set object in JavaScript is a data structure that allows you to store only
unique primitives (or ECMAScript Language types) or