Introducing Nete: a mobile application platform for public libraries

I am open sourcing my web application, Nete, to allow public libraries to deploy their own hybrid mobile websites/applications for iOS, Android and mobile browser in the hopes that public libraries can affordably engage their patrons over mobile devices.

Many public libraries in the United States lack friendly, responsive and intuitive websites and applications for mobile devices. This becomes a problem when you consider that nearly half of those whom have accessed a public library website this year used a mobile device. Among young Americans, every 1 in 5 have used a mobile device to access a public library website or resource. [1] [1:1]

The lack of a mobile friendly experience nowadays can translate into a lack of usage. Google will even rank the website lower in results than more mobile-friendly competitors. [1:2]

Libraries have several options today such as hiring a firm to develop their mobile website or application, purchase software and design themselves, or build something in-house.

I would like to add a new option by introducing Nete. Nete is a mobile application/website deployment and management system for public libraries to provide their own mobile experience for their patrons. Nete can be deployed to Apple's App Store, Google's Play Store, or just used as a web application for access by mobile browsers.

Nete enables a library to present the patron with news articles, location mapping, alerts, events, online services, etc.

Best of all: Nete is free and open source.

Pikes Peak Library District Websitge Nete Conversion

Nete is still in development, but interested public libraries may reach out to me to have a point of contact for early bird testing and deployment. I can be reached via email at

Nete's source code is being developed using mostly open source software such as Angular 1.5, Angular Material and Ionic. The database, however, is currently a managed Firebase instance. You can follow development or contribute here. [1:3]

  1. Nete Admin Github, Github repository available at ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

Timothy Tavarez

Timothy Tavarez

Founder at Combine DAO. Prior US Air Force and Microsoft.
Helsinki, Finland